Visit of Dr Amanda Ashworth, Hydro Tasmania, 26 - 30 March 2012

© 2012 EPFL

© 2012 EPFL

Visit of Dr Amanda Ashworth from Entura of Hydro Tasmania, Australia, 26 to the 30 March 2012

During March 2012, Dr Amanda Ashworth visited LCH-EPFL from Entura, a consulting business of Hydro Tasmania in Australia. Dr Ashworth's visit was part of a study tour that took her to Thailand, Norway, France, Switzerland and the UK. Entura is an expert renewable energy engineering consulting firm working primarily in Australia, Asia, and southern Africa.

Dr Ashworth is leading a project to establish a training centre to service national and international clients who need to build capability in clean energy and water fields as they work to deliver ambitious renewable energy and water infrastructure programs. Her tour was designed to understand critical success factors and learnings from other organisations delivering training to professionals in an international context.

Dr Ashworth was hosted by Professor Dr Anton Schleiss and Dr Giovanni De Cesare, who provided insights into their experience with the international Masters of Advanced Studies MAS in Water Resources Management and Engineering delivered between 1999 and 2009 and other short course designed and delivered by LCH.

During her visit she also met with Dr Nadine Stainier of the EPFL Pedagogical Research and Support (CRAFT) and Mr Pascal Paschoud of Formation Continue UNIL-EPFL to gain an understanding of key lessons for adult learning programs.

Dr Ashworth said "It was great to meet everyone at LCH where there is substantial expertise in water infrastructure projects. I am very grateful for the time given to me amongst so many other teaching and research demands. It is indeed disappointing that the course is no longer operating but I look forward to finding ways for Entura/Hydro Tasmania and EPFL-LCH to cooperate into the future".