The European Molecular Biology Organization has elected to its presti

The European Molecular Biology Organization has elected around 60 reserchers to its prestigious ranks, three of them EPFL scientists.
The EMBO has announced the names of the elected scientists. This year, 60 European researchers have received the organization’s honors and among them are three scientists from EPFL: Françoise Gisou Van der Goot, Didier Trono and Yann Barrandon. With two professors from Basel being chosen and one from Geneva and one from Zurich, Switzerland has obtained seven seats at the heart of one of the oldest and well-known institutions in the field of molecular biology.
Françoise Gisou Van der Goot is the Marcel Benoist laureate for 2009 and studies bacterial toxins on the cellular level. Didier Trono is the dean of Life Sciences and works on the mechanisms responsible for the replication of the HIV virus. And for Yann Barrandon, his work focuses on the replication and specification of stem cells with the goal of better understanding scarring mechanisms to improve skin grafting techniques for large burn wounds.
Since the foundation of EMBO in 1964, it has been organizing programs for sponsoring and networking scientists and edits authoritative publications in the field of molecular biology. Among its members are 88 Nobel Prize laureates. An international institution, the EMBO has partners in 27 European countries as well as several around the world.