International INSERM Prize to Denis Duboule

Denis Duboule is the 2010 awardee of the prestigious International INSERM Prize. This award honors his entire scientific career, among which his important discovery of Hox genes in mammals. Denis Duboule, worldwide specialist of genetics of development is a pioneer of research on Hox genes, or “architect genes”, responsible for coordinating body patterning during embryonic life. His discovery of Hox genes in mammals has allowed the expansion of a highly active research domain. To know more about Prof. Duboule's research, watch his EPFL Inaugural Lecture (June 2007) available on the EPFL School of Lie Sciences Video Channel.

Since 2006, Denis Duboule has a joint chair EPFL/UNIGE. At the EPFL School of Life Sciences, he is heading the Lab. of Developmental Genomics and participating to the Teaching. Since 1997, he is the Head of the UNIGE Department of Zoology and Animal Biologyand, also the Director of the NCCR Frontiers in Genetics. Webcast available: Tuesday November 30, 2010, stating at 6:30 pm, watch the INSERM Prize Ceremony taking place at the Collège de France, Paris Vème!