EPFL professor wins the 2009 Fresnel Prize

Tobias Kippenberg
The 2009 Fresnel Prize has been awarded to Tobias Kippenberg, assistant professor in the Laboratory of Photonics and Quantum Measurements at EPFL and quantum optics researcher in the Max Planck Institute in Germany. The prize, accompanied by 3000 Euros, is awarded for outstanding work by a researcher under the age of 35 and is given every two years by the European Physical Society. This young scientist has been recognized for his work in optomechanics and its novel applications in the area of metrology.
Born in Berlin in 1976, Kippenberg studied physics at the Technical University of Aarchen, and in 1999, went to the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) where he earned his PhD. In 2005, he returned to Germany and created an independent research group in the Max Planck Institute, near Munich, in the division of 2005 Nobel-prize-winning physicist Theodor W. Hänsch. In 2007, he joined the EPFL faculty as an assitant professor.
For more information : http://www.mpq.mpg.de/cms/mpq/en/news/awards/09_05_18.html