Environment: discover Water Intelligence Online e-books



Since 2017, the EPFL Library subscribed to Water Intelligence Online (WIO), a collection of more than 500 e-books from the International Water Association. This collection deals with all aspects of the science and technology of water pollution control and water quality management worldwide.

The EPFL Library has negociated this new licensing agreement, like many others, being careful to the good conditions for its readers, for example regarding the absence of DRM, the deadline to fix access issues, the authorization for the TDM, etc.

Subscription means that, if the Library do not renew this resource in 2018, the access to these 500 titles will simply cease.
International Water Association also proposes a perpetual access option for the WIO collection. As this option is six times more expensive than the subscription, the liaison librarian and her correspondent in the Environmental Engineering Institute decided that 2017 would be a test to see if this collection is used enough to renew or purchase the collection in 2018..

The EPFL Library encourages its researchers to have a look on the subscribed WIO ebooks (all the titles are gathered in one volume per each year) and also on the open access ebooks of the International Water Association.

Author: Bibliothèque de l'EPFL

Source: Library