Diffusion-Limited Reactions in Crowded Environments.

diffusion-limited reactions

diffusion-limited reactions

A simple way to incorporate excluded-volume effects to describe diffusion-limited reactions.

The groups of Profs. Guiseppe Foffi (Group Foffi) and Paolo De Los Rios (LBS – Laboratory of Statistical Biophysics) proposed a simple way to incorporate excluded-volume effects building on simulations of hard sphere in the presence of a sink to describe diffusion-limited reactions. The paper published in Physical Review Letters was selected for a Viewpoint in Physics.
Dorsaz N. et al., PRL 105, 120601, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.120601 (2010)
Huan-Xiang Zhou, Speeding up in a crowd. Viewpoint in Physics (2010)