All optical transistor
Published:12.11.10 — In an article appearing on November 11th in the journal Science, researchers at EPFL and the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics announce the discovery of a method for coupling photons and mechanical vibrations that could have numerous applications in telecommunications and quantum information technologies.
Rolex and EPFL Foster New Ideas for the Next Generation
Published:11.11.10 — First Young Laureates to receive their Awards at the Rolex Learning Center - see their videos below
Even more sun in the cells!
Published:10.11.10 — Scientists at EPFL are working on the development of a new generation of production lines and procedures for manufacturing solar modules in thin-film silicon, within the framework of an important European research project coordinated by the Oerlikon Solar company.
EPFL Middle East opens Master Program
Published:09.11.10 — Starting this month, students can apply for a Middle East adventure in education and science.
Published:08.11.10 — Eleven teams were competing with their LEGO robots on Saturday at the Rolex Learning Center.
The story of an exceptional building
Published:05.11.10 — "Le paysage intérieur" is showing as from today. This movie, directed by Pierre Maillard, recounts the human and collective adventure of the building of the Rolex Learning Center over a three-year period.
Kandou – the 1000th invention from EPFL
Published:04.11.10 — EPFL is celebrating its 1000th invention : Kandou. Or how mathematics came to the rescue of electronics, enabling processors that are smaller, faster and more energy-saving.
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